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Alexis Pilialohaeku'upu'uwai Higginbotham

The Work of

Alexis Pilialohaeku'upu'uwai Higginbotham


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Studio Location  
Santa Fe NM 87508
United States
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Studio Hours
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Mailing Address
171 Silver Hills Road
Santa Fe NM 87508
United States
Artist's Statement
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      As a landscaper and lover of growing things, I work in clay because it’s a natural extension of my passion for working in my gardens where I cultivate and makes things grow. Digging deep into the earth, into its core, and getting to the heart of things are the same feelings I experience when creating with clay.

      I am engaged by the human form, not so much by its shape or dimension, but how it can reflect an inner spirit or essence in a very simple way. I love to create real and imaginary beings who reflect some positive human characteristic or quality, a reminder that humaneness, grace, and goodwill still exists in us all.

      I have recently become inspired by my kundalini yoga practice and feel the need to express that inspiration through these ceramic Chakra Totems. I am also starting a series of large-scale Hindu gods and goddesses.

Global Village

Alexis Pilialohaeku'upu'uwai Higginbotham Global Village
Global Village
CLASS: Sculpture
MEDIA: Stoneware
SIZE: Various
Real and imaginary people for the home and garden

Alexis Pilialohaeku'upu'uwai Higginbotham Hanuman
CLASS: Sculpture
MEDIA: Stoneware
SIZE: 17"T x 18"W x 9"D
Simian god of the Hindus and the epitome of loyalty
Kwan Yin

Alexis Pilialohaeku'upu'uwai Higginbotham Kwan Yin
Kwan Yin
CLASS: Sculpture
MEDIA: Stoneware
SIZE: 19"T x 20"W x 9"D
Kwan Yin, the goddess of compassion
Lord Rama

Alexis Pilialohaeku'upu'uwai Higginbotham Lord Rama
Lord Rama
MEDIA: Stoneware
SIZE: 17"T x 17"W x 7"D
The 7th incarnation of Vishnu and considered by some to be 'the perfect man'.
Madam Pele

Alexis Pilialohaeku'upu'uwai Higginbotham Madam Pele
Madam Pele
CLASS: Sculpture
MEDIA: Stoneware
SIZE: 23½”T x 18”W x 12”D
Bust of the fiery and temperamental volcano goddess of Hawai'i, Pele.
Mr. O

Alexis Pilialohaeku'upu'uwai Higginbotham Mr. O
Mr. O
CLASS: Sculpture
MEDIA: Stoneware
SIZE: 23”T x 19”W x 7½”D
President Obama
Ceramic Kundalini Chakra Totem

Alexis Pilialohaeku'upu'uwai Higginbotham Ceramic Kundalini Chakra Totem
Ceramic Kundalini Chakra Totem
CLASS: Sculpture
CATEGORY: Landscape
MEDIA: Stoneware
SIZE: 7-1/2ft. x 1 ft.
YEAR: 2011
PRICE: $900-$1600
These ceramic totems can be made in a variety of sizes for indoor and permanent outdoor use. Can be custom designed for your specific needs. This is an incredibly powerful addition to your yoga.

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