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karen cooper

The Work of

karen cooper


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Studio Location  
Jefferson IA
United States
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Mailing Address
United States
Artist's Statement
" "
Karen Cooper

My current work is a free-form play in usage of the phrase “visual communication”. My goal in my work is to awaken in viewers the ability to visually recognize the commonalities shared with people around them, so to encourage feeling part of a larger whole, to belong. I suggest this begins with a genial awareness of those nearby.

People say they enjoy people watching as a leisure activity.
I do it with intensity. And then I paint it.
I say with my paintings:
-Look at the people beside you.
-See their faces, enjoy their expressions.
-Watch them walk down the street. Appreciate their motion.
-Recognize the goals and dreams that we all have in common. We are not so different after all, true?

The current work is oil on canvas, a few are acrylic on canvas.
All are focused on people, and their daily routines, and the thought-provoking images they make.
It’s the simple stuff that we all do, but when you attach it to a person, it communicates something of each one of us, to the other of us. It's visual communication.

Past Events:
"Saw You In Russia" exhibit of paintings
Gallery Show Rock Island, IL
Bea Caught By A Gust Of Wind

karen cooper Bea Caught By A Gust Of Wind
Bea Caught By A Gust Of Wind
CLASS: Oil Painting
MEDIA: oil
SIZE: 30cm x 30cm
YEAR: 2016
PRICE: $$250
Bea, (or someone who looks just like her!) caught by a gust of wind.
Victory Day celebration, Lipetsk

here's a blog post telling about how it happened: just click on the link:

Looked Out The Bus Window And There You Were, Watching

karen cooper Looked Out The Bus Window And There You Were, Watching
Looked Out The Bus Window And There You Were, Watching
CLASS: Oil Painting
MEDIA: oil
SIZE: 40 x 40 cm
YEAR: 2016
PRICE: $500
-from the bus window series
-a woman from Bryansk
Don't Disturb The Champ

karen cooper Don't Disturb The Champ
Don't Disturb The Champ
CLASS: Oil Painting
MEDIA: oil
SIZE: 40 x 40 cm
YEAR: 2016
PRICE: $500
Chess tournament in ?????? ???? (Nizhniy Park) Lipetsk
Looked Out The Bus Window And There You Were, No Hurry

karen cooper Looked Out The Bus Window And There You Were, No Hurry
Looked Out The Bus Window And There You Were, No Hurry
CLASS: Oil Painting
MEDIA: oil
SIZE: 50 x 50 cm
YEAR: 2016
PRICE: $600
-from the bus window series
-no hurry
-waiting for a bus in Lipetsk, or maybe just waiting

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